I have been wondering for a long time what is the key that differentiates the successful people from those who do not make it or conform to the world. .when you look around you find out that there is a thin line that separates these two sides and that is what I want to talk about.
I have come to realize that most successful people set goals and have an objective to achieve that particular objective. They are passionate about life and they go out daily knowing what is the end objective and target to achieve.Take this example a ship leaving a harbor with a navigator at the helm, we are quite certain that the ship will dock at its destination eventually because there is a captain that is guiding the ship and the captain knows where the ship is supposed to be headed. Let’s take the contrast, a ship leaving the harbor without a captain, we just start the engine and let it go out to the sea, what is the most likely destination of this ship? Well it is pretty obvious the ship will not reach its destination and most likely it will head in a different direction or run ground somewhere along the shores, it has no hope of making it to its final destination.
And that is what happens to most of us, the analogy gives us a vivid picture of the two different people, the successful and those who are not. We find out that like the ship with a captain at the helm compares to the successful people who have goals and targets and they are steadily steering towards their set objectives and goals while the unsuccessful are like the ship leaving the harbor without knowing where they are headed they get lost along the way and settle for average without optimizing their full potential.
Having goals is very important, it is like search light guiding someone to the harbor helping them to know the path they should take and what steps are needed to achieve the set goals.it is like you have a picture of the end result and you take the right steps towards the end picture.In other words, this is one of the keys that differentiates successful people from the unsuccessful.
I want to challenge you, do you want to be among the unsuccessful having no goals in life, not being passionate about life living in conformity? Living like a ship without a captain at the helm knowing where he is headed?
I want you right now to sit down and think of what you want, take a piece of paper and write your next goals whether it is short time goals or long time and start having a bearing in your life by taking the right steps in achieving them and be successful.
All the best in your new found secret and be aggressive towards life.
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