Today i want to talk about being proactive, which is one major thing i learned this morning.

According to an online dictionary this is the definition of  Proactive
'' creating or controlling a situation rather than just       responding to it after it has happened.''
This is a powerful word, in all areas of our activities if we could be able to use this approach to handle certain situations, the outcomes will be much better than expected.

When we talk to people or try doing something we should always think first on how we should react or what to say in different scenarios. One thing i have learnt today is that there is always another side of the story that someone tell us and what matters is our approach or understanding.

A practical example i heard of today is that there was this man who had 3 kids at a railway platform waiting to board the train. Despite the fact that his 3 little kids were making noise and running up and down the platform despite this the Father didn't give a damn to how other people were feeling and if his kids were creating havoc to other people who were peacefully engaged in various activities like reading the newspaper and books.
One man went to ask the Father to try and quiet his kids so that the others can have a peaceful time. So he approached him and asked him to please consider the other guys who want a peaceful time.

Surprisingly the father obliged in calm way and told this stranger '' Am happy to see my Kids running and laughing, this is better than them being sad because we are just from leaving the hospital where they have just lost their mum''.

The stranger was dumbfounded, he felt ashamed wishing he had known that situation earlier and felt sorry for the father.

what we learn here is that there is always another side of the story we can't always have one perspective to every situation that someone tells us. if we could be able to approach this proactively  we could be able to understand what the other person perspective and choose the best way to react to a given situation.

Look at the picture below and tell me what you see?
One person sees a young lady of around 23yrs of age  covering her head with a  piece of clothe and the other one sees an old lady of maybe 78 years of age.You might be wondering i can only see one image but have another look a more detailed analysis and you can see the important lessons of there always being two sides of a story yet maybe you have argued with your friend on  what he  sees here thinking your absolutely right yet there is another part of the story.

Lesson to remember today is that there is always another part of the story an always seek to act proactively to different situations before reacting and deciding what next steps to take



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