Lesson 1 learnt on Monday 27th July 2014
1. Monday 27th July 2014
self confidence matters a lot and you have to believe in yourself to achieve your desires. To achieve self confidence you ought to do a repetive task of gaining self confidence which boosts your ability to believe in yourself. Through simple self talk to yourself you can gain a lot of confidence by boosting your morale.
Another thing learnt today is that the act of seduction n requires desire,body language,self confidence for you to get whatever you want. This is well portrayed in Cubans life and their way of living.
Am reading the book on how to influence people and one of the key habits well learnt is
1.become genuinely interested in people,most people if you show personal interest in their affairs they feel a sense of ease an through this you can encourage others to talk about themselves, another thing to consider is to smile whenever talking to someone this smiling effect gives a person a feeling of friendliness and warmth to talk to.
2.One of the key most desires for people is to feel important and if you can capitilise on this by appreciating someone and making that person feel a sense of importance then he can trust and both of ou can find a common ground. The key desire for several people ids to feel that sense of importance.
3.A persons name is is to that person one of the sweetest and most important to sound in any language. Hen you address someone with his name gives him a sense of importance to you and feels that you really appreciate him.this is one key thing to remember.
In summary this are the key things to remember
1.Become genuinely interested in other people
2 smile .
3 remember a persons name
4 be a good listener encourage others to talk about themselves
5 talk in terms of other persons interest
6 make other person feel important and do it sincerely
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