
Showing posts from August, 2014

Lesson 4. The Desiderata

Well today I want to share one of my favorite poems that  I came across while in High school but today I also stumbled upon it and it is a very inspiring poem that shows yo how to deal with life. I have made it one of my life principles to read it always and practice what it says. I do wish that we would practice what it says and things will change for the better. The poem is called Desiderata and it was written by an American author    Max Ehrmann  in 1927 . The poem has deeply shaped some of the great people we know, Morgan Freeman the popular American actor once said that the poem has remarkable shaped his life,   US Democratic presidential hopeful  Adlai Stevenson  died in 1965 having the poem by his bedside, and finally me too this poem has a great influence in the way I carry myself everyday. May it bring you hope and inspiration as it has brought to me. Desiderata Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there...


Today i want to talk about being proactive, which is one major thing i learned this morning. According to an online dictionary this is the definition of  Proactive ''   creating or controlling a situation rather than just       responding to it after it has happened.'' This is a powerful word, in all areas of our activities if we could be able to use this approach to handle certain situations, the outcomes will be much better than expected. When we talk to people or try doing something we should always think first on how we should react or what to say in different scenarios. One thing i have learnt today is that there is always another side of the story that someone tell us and what matters is our approach or understanding. A practical example i heard of today is that there was this man who had 3 kids at a railway platform waiting to board the train. Despite the fact that his 3 little kids were making noise and running up and down the platform d...

Lesson 2. The strategy to handle Life

Today I stumbled upon a story from one of my favorite guys Oliver Emberton, and i wanted to share his perspective on what life is. This is a good lesson for us to learn today.  Here is the story he shared... Real life is the game that – literally –   everyone   is playing. But it can be tough. This is your guide. Basics You might not realize, but real life is a game of  strategy . There are some fun mini-games – like dancing, driving, running, and sex – but the key to winning is simply managing your resources. Most importantly, successful players  put their time into the right things . Later in the game money comes into play, but your top priority should always be mastering where your time goes. Childhood Life begins when you’re assigned a random character and circumstances: The first 15 years or so of life are just tutorial missions, which suck. There’s no way to skip these. Young adult stage As a young player, you’ll have lots of ti...

Lesson 1 learnt on Monday 27th July 2014

1. Monday 27th July 2014 self confidence matters a lot and you have to believe in yourself to achieve your desires. To achieve self confidence you ought to do a repetive task of gaining self confidence which boosts your ability to believe in yourself. Through simple self talk to yourself you can gain a lot of confidence by boosting your morale. Another thing learnt today is that the act of seduction n requires desire,body language,self confidence for you to get whatever you want. This is well portrayed in Cubans life and their way of living. Am...